So, I've been settling down here in Norman and its been rather hectic. I've decided to go ahead and be pre-med so I have a rough and full reschedule ahead of me (which by the way any prayers for me though out this semester would not be underrepresented!!). This year I moved all of my stuff into the dorm room myself. I had everything moved in, rearranged to maximize space exactly as planned; then suddenly I had a roommate so we moved everything again! After shopping at Target, I was feeling especially collegiate carrying my 12 pack of toilet paper, listening to boomer sooner being played as I walked to my dorm room. I guess that sounds a little odd!
The first week of classes is always interning. There are always non-students around campus the first weeks telling you about this or protesting that. Monday I was given two papers like the one you see on my blog. The next morning I received one that was a little different. These little pamphlets are there to tell me how I could become a Christian. I don't think these are practical and simply almost a waste of time. Maybe I am just extremely cynical and hard headed, but I'm pretty sure if I was given a little post card size piece of paper telling me how to become a Muslim, I would not decide to become a Muslim after reading it. I think it would have to be a pretty profound stream of thoughts jammed together for it to have that large of an effect. If anyone knows of a conversion resulting from something like this, PLEASE tell me about it! I would love to know how it happened. I guess while analyzing myself as I'm writing this, maybe a bigger issue is that I don't see GOD in the everyday presence as much as I should. Whose to say that a person that this paper wasn't contemplating that very decision before the paper was given to them and the paper made them decide to commit. I guess I just think people should not bother handing these out. This situation reminds me a lot of the video called Bullhorn from Rob Bell's nooma series (its too late to explain all of the can get a summery of here). Rob Bell's video visually progresses a story of a man taking a bullhorn out onto the street with the intention of telling people they need to convert and they are going to get the point.
One thing I have always loved about one of teaching of Jesus that has always stayed with me, is how he taught its the intentions that count. He told people that if they had anger in their heart, they have already committed murder. WOW!!! how powerful is that little statement. I think that one statement could produce an amazing bible.
So I guess my struggle is this. I see these people handing out stuff like these "tracks" as they are called and tell myself they must have good intentions. I wonder, however, if they are wasting their time on something instead of doing something more productive. In the end, I just need to stick with one of my favorite passages of the Bible (Matthew 7:1-6) and not judge them (especially so I won't be judged by the same standard ex. wasting my time like it says in Matthew) and pray that GOD may bless what they are doing. Any other suggestions? May we all find a different way we are being judgmental or intolerant and change that today!